Just as we thought this phase was phased out, it seems that something appears to be fishy in the waters once more! At E3 2013 Metal Gear Solid Developer’s Konami showcased their new long-awaited game “Phantom Pain” and what a game it looked to! However, Sweet-FX modder Shagwan has demonstrated the graphical difference between the final release of Phantom Pain and the one that we were promised back at E3 2013 in a side by side comparison.Ĭheck out the video below to view the comparison for yourself: Ubisoft, who seemed to often be one of the main culprits for digging themselves a nice tidy hole to lay down in, was getting bashed left right and center for exactly that controversy. Does anyone remember the scandals shortly after the Playstation 4 and Xbox One was released, where developers such as Ubisoft appeared to be downgrading the quality of the game graphics on the PC releases of their games? Only for them to later release statements that contained sentences like “to enable a unified experience across all platforms.” Well, I certainly remember the aftermath where gamers were doing what gamers do best, voicing their opinions about it all over social media.