Google wasn't even really terribly useful yet, and I had no idea what it was or how to use it. htm that explained what all this was about and maybe surfaced a set of recommendations. It was gone by the time I was old enough to really think about this.

I don't exactly know where it all came from. I was - eight, nine? My parents got a modem, they got service through the local phone company, and somehow I found Walnut Creek's. It felt like I didn't belong there, and the idea that I was a powerful, unstoppable soldier whose job was to intrude on this place did not penetrate to my mind. I remember cowering there, in the safety of the reliable light beaming from the hallway I had traversed countless times already, afraid to proceed into the uncertain depths. I remember standing at a doorway in E1M2, a door that hadn't been open when I first passed through which revealed a secret area - it was clearly a maze, I had no idea it was there until it suddenly was, and beyond the reach of the bright light shining through the doorway I saw flickering passages. I was wandering, and sometimes I would progress, and the connection between the two was not clear. I mean real, genuine fear - the game was dark and spooky and I didn't understand how things worked and that certain parts of levels simply didn't matter "secret area" did not mean anything to me, and in fact the notion of progressing through a level in a linear way to reach the exit was not really anywhere in my head.