
Xcom 2 how to increase contacts
Xcom 2 how to increase contacts

Lucky for us XCom is still around but hidden in a broken but functional state and wants to rebuild itself and show the world that these aliens are assholes. Not everyone believes they're friendly, and some have formed small resistance cells across the planet but they have little power and no actual proof that ADVENT is lying through their teeth. So of course we humans are idiots and believe them and go along with whatever the aliens say to do. Over a period of 20 years the aliens have formed relations with humans as a sort of governing group of helpful folks called ADVENT, claiming to be able to aid humans in advancements like cures for terminal sickness and living longer more comfortable lives. XCom tried hard and won some battles but overall earth's forces ended up surrendering early in the war. Alright, so this title is based on the premise that the last war with aliens turned out bad and Earth never stood a chance. Except that in XCom's case, this buddy is a real dick and wants to you kill you and everyone you know. Some things look a little different, but it's still the same ol' buddy you had in school. It was like seeing an old friend that's been out of contact for a while. You just sort of smile and want to give it a hug. When you start XCom 2 up you'll see the immediate familiarity that ties to Firaxis in the XCom series.

xcom 2 how to increase contacts

I'm here to put my thoughts down and I hope you'll stay with me for the read. Alright, so if you read my little quick look blurb on Xcom2 you already know it's a pretty tough game that puts itself a step above 2013's already challenging XCom: Enemy Unknown / Enemy Within.

Xcom 2 how to increase contacts